The following areas of research are conducted in the Department:
Advanced spacecraft propulsion
Atomic and molecular interactions
Hypersonic and supersonic flows
Kinetic theory of gases and plasmas
Micropropulsion devices
Monte-Carlo simulations of rarefied gas flows
Nanosatellite applications
Non-equlibrium in high-temprature gases
Plasma and material processing
Processes in the heliosphere and planetary magnetospheres
Space plasmas
Space exploration
Space sciences
Space instrumentation
Spacecraft technologies
Statistical physics
Transport in particles and radiation
To find out more about research in ASTE, see the " . makeURL( getMyPath() . "publications", "Publications" ) . " page.

In addition to research on USC's main campus, work is performed at " . makeBlankURL( "", "the Space Engineering Research Center (SERC)" ) . "."; ?> USC Department of Astronautical Engineering           University of Southern California The USC Andrew and Erna Viterbi School of Engineering USC Astronautics

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